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coffee, cafe, gland, bio, torréfaction



Colombie Bio Gland Local


Around 550,000 Colombian families live off coffee. Production in Colombia is mainly in the hands of smallholders who process their own crops. The coffee triangle in Colombia is famous for the culture of the majority of Colombian coffees. It covers four departments: Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda and Tolima. The area has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a “Coffee Cultural Landscape” for being an outstanding example of a cultural, sustainable and productive landscape – a historic milestone for the country.

The Sidamo region was named after its inhabitants. The rich volcanic soil gives the coffee trees all the nutrients they need to develop a typical cup profile. In Sidamo, coffee is grown exclusively by smallholders. they depend on their families and employ virtually no harvest workers. The red cherries are delivered to various cooperatives. The vast majority of cherries are fully washed and sun-dried on raised beds. Sidamo coffees are known for their balanced taste with floral notes of jasmine and orange blossom, often combined with berry components such as red currant or black currant.

Située aux frontières de l'Ouganda, du Rwanda et du Burundi, la région du Kivu abrite des cafés aux profils de tasse étonnants. Bien que la région soit sujette à des conflits permanents, une coopération entre les producteurs de café, Farm Africa et le parc national des Virunga encourage la paix par la culture du café de spécialité.

Dr COngO

Ethiopie Bio Morges Local

The Sidamo region was named after its inhabitants. The rich volcanic soil gives the coffee trees all the nutrients they need to develop a typical cup profile. In Sidamo, coffee is grown exclusively by smallholders. they depend on their families and employ virtually no harvest workers. The red cherries are delivered to various cooperatives. The vast majority of cherries are fully washed and sun-dried on raised beds. Sidamo coffees are known for their balanced taste with floral notes of jasmine and orange blossom, often combined with berry components such as red currant or black currant.


The Sidamo region was named after its inhabitants. The rich volcanic soil gives the coffee trees all the nutrients they need to develop a typical cup profile. In Sidamo, coffee is grown exclusively by smallholders. they depend on their families and employ virtually no harvest workers. The red cherries are delivered to various cooperatives. The vast majority of cherries are fully washed and sun-dried on raised beds. Sidamo coffees are known for their balanced taste with floral notes of jasmine and orange blossom, often combined with berry components such as red currant or black currant.

Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée Niché entre les hautes terres occidentales et Chimbu, Jiwaka est situé dans la vallée très fertile formée par la rivière Waghi. La production de café et de thé sont les deux principales ressources des habitants de la région.


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